Maximising Your WFH Set-Up

Maximising Your WFH



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With the state of everything changing so quickly, it looks like working from home will continue to be a mainstay. If you are one of the 70% of Melbournians who would like to continue the lifestyle and flexibility of working from home, stick around to learn how to make your home work for you! 

Here are the top five tips for maximising your desk set-up at home: 

  1. Chair 

  • If you’re making do with a dining chair, pop a rolled-up bath towel between your midback and the spine of the chair. Adjust up or down for comfort. 

  • If the seat base is too firm, try placing a towel or pillow underneath for more cushioning. 

  1. Desk/Chair Height

  • If your chair allows adjustments, increase/decrease the height so that your elbows are at or slightly above the desk height. 

  • If your feet do not comfortably reach the floor, place a footrest or a couple of stacked books underneath your feet so they can rest on a flat supportive surface. 

  1. Laptop 

  • For all the conveniences of a laptop, it can often mean working on a constant head tilt, looking downwards. Push the laptop further away from the table edge, so that your forearms are supported, and your head tilt is less severe.

  1. Accessories 

  • If possible, source an external keyboard and mouse so that you can raise your laptop (with a stand or stacked books) so that the top of the screen is parallel to your eyeline. 

  • Place the keyboard and mouse within a 90° angle of your body to minimise unnecessary strain on your shoulder or wrists. 

  1. Movement 

  • Take regular movement breaks every hour where possible. This can include anything from a mobility routine to standing if doing non-computer-based work (e.g. talking on the phone, reading hard copy documents). 

As we all navigate this tricky situation together, there are simple strategies you can use to make the working from home grind a little bit easier. 

SafeWork Australia has a great and easy-to-digest resource for the average desk work linked here: 

If you have any further questions or are keen to learn more, you can book online with one of our experienced practitioners by visiting:

or by calling:

0402 377 209 

If you have any further enquiries email:

Written by: Serena Kuo