Osteopath Malvern - Our Location

Are you looking for an Osteopath in Windsor? Well, our clinic is located very near to Windsor at 50 Wilson Street, South Yarra (Enter via Ellis Street). If you live in Windsor, Osteopathic Movement is the clinic for you. 2 hour street parking is available on Ellis Street.

There is also ample public transport available with the Chapel St. and Malvern road tram stops just a 5 minute walk from the clinic. Hawksburn and South Yarra train stations also service our clinic with a walk of between 6 and 10 minutes from the respective stations.

Upon arrival, simply enter the building and go up the stairs directly to your right. There you will see our waiting area, please have a seat, your Osteopath will be with you shortly.

Osteopath Malvern - Booking

To book your Osteopathic appointment at Osteopathic Movement:

Call: 0452 320 669


Book online at www.osteopathicmovement.com

Osteopath Malvern - Relief for Muscle & Joint Pain

Our Osteopaths treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal pain conditions by addressing the muscles, joints, bones, fascia, ligaments and tendons. If you are looking for an Osteopath in Malvern, Osteopathic Movement South Yarra can help. Our Osteopathic practitioners address the body as a holistic unit. They take into account all aspects of your life that may be contributing to your pain including previous injuries, posture, exercise, diet, stress and previously diagnosed medical conditions. To find an appointment that suits you visit www.osteopathicmovement.com and book online.

Osteopath Malvern - What We Treat

Based in South Yarra, just a few minutes from Malvern we are an Osteopathic Clinic which treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions. With a convenient location from Malvern, located in the heart of South Yarra we can assist you in management of such conditions as:

  • Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow

  • Disc Injuries and Sciatica

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Muscle Aches and Tightness

  • Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist/Foot/Ankle/Knee/Hip Pain

  • Low Back Pain and Neck Pain


Osteopath Malvern - How We Diagnose

If you’re in Malvern and looking for an Osteopath to help you diagnose and treat your pain Osteopathic Movement is here for you. We as Osteopaths aim to find the origin or cause of your pain as opposed to simply just treating the site of pain. Your pain may be coming from compensations elsewhere within your body that may have arisen from poor posture, previous injuries or repetitive strain conditions from activities of daily living.

Our Osteopaths located close to Malvern in South Yarra use a systematic and thorough approach to diagnose the cause of your pain including a detailed case history, a thorough biomechanical/physical assessment and a hands on approach to assessing the range and quality of motion of your joints, along with finding tight muscles and any restricted joints that may be causing you pain.


Osteopath Malvern - How We Treat

We provide hands on manual therapy treatment and exercise rehabilitation programs to the residents of Malvern at Osteopathic Movement. Our Osteopaths diligently assess and diagnose the cause of your pain and provide manual therapy treatment to help ease your pain. Your Osteopath can also provide you with stretches and exercises you can do at home to assist with better long term outcomes and make sure you have the tools you need to manage your own pain so that you don’t need to rely on us every time you’re feeling a bit tight or sore.

At Osteopathic Movement South Yarra want to empower the people of Malvern to get to know your body and understand what you can do to help yourself on a day to day basis. If you need some help though, our skilful practitioners based in South Yarra can provide treatment using:

  • Soft Tissue/Deep Tissue Massage

  • Dry Needling Technique

  • Myofascial Cupping

  • Partner Assisted Stretching

  • Manipulation Techniques

  • Joint Mobilisation Techniques

  • Gentle Muscular and Joint Release Techniques


Osteopath Malvern - Myotherapy Treatments

If you’re looking for Myotherapy treatment in Malvern we’re here to help. Located just a few minutes away in South Yarra you can book an appointment with our Myotherapist at www.osteopathicmovement.com.

Myotherapy uses a wide variety of manual therapy techniques to help ease tension in your muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia to help ease your pain, muscular tightness and get you moving freely. Our Myotherapist will apply soft tissue massage/deep tissue massage, dry needling technique, myofascial cupping, taping and provide you with exercises to help get you back to feeling your absolute best.


Osteopath Malvern - Exercise Rehabilitation

Malvern local? Got a sports injury you need to rehab. Our Osteopaths working in South Yarra are just around the corner and can help provide you with exercise programs to get you pain free and back playing sport safely. The practitioners at Osteopathic Movement pride themselves on providing the best rehabilitation programs possible, based on the latest scientific evidence we assist anyone from weekend warriors to elite athletes to return to sport feeling comfortable and confident in your body.

If you’re an athlete in Malvern that has suffered an injury and could use some hands on treatment to help reduce your symptoms and a stretching/strengthening/skill development rehabilitation program contact us by phone at 0452 320 669 or online at www.osteopathicmovement.com